Creeping out of the darkness: the tentacle collection!

Late autumn in the north always brings about a dark time of the year, with the last bits of light starting to fade at 4 p.m. Dark thoughts start to creep out of the far corners of the mind, and some of them materialize into creatures.

As the light continued to fade earlier with each day, I worked on my first tentacle collection. Octopuses (octopi, octopodes) have fascinated me for many years. Changing colours while they dream, able to get out of cages through holes many times smaller than themselves, and that’s just the beginning. Given that I have just one large tattoo, which is, of course, an octopus, it is strange that I haven’t made a themed collection until now.

But of course, it all came together when I assembled a collection of included quartz. Quartz has long since become one of my main stones to work with due to the numerous inclusions that it can contain. And in this case, I knew it was the perfect stone to represent the element of water.

And thus, through long hours of work, and some blood and tears, seven pieces were born, each with a slightly different character: three rings, three pendants and a pair of stud earrings, every single one of them sculpted by hand with the finest little suction cups. 

They aren’t all about darkness, though. If you take a closer look, you’ll notice that the inclusions in the stones light up when sunlight touches them, and the transparency of the stones promises some long-awaited clarity. 

The tentacle collection will be released on 9 November, 20:00 EET. And if you want to get notified about future collections, you can sign up to the newsletter via the form below!

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